Sunday, September 27, 2009

Making Peace

All viable options have been exhausted. Neither Toronto nor BC are prepared to take the risks involved in transplanting Michelle at this point. Hearts were broken all around, especially Michelle's. After some reflection she has decided that she needs to take a break from all the fighting and just let things be. Our trust is in the hands of the doctors now. Please continue to pray for the Way family; that they can enjoy their time as a family, that Michelle will find comfort, and that the doctors will know when it's the perfect time to perform Michelle's surgery.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pub Night November 7th!

*Michelle will not be going to Toronto. It's complicated. More info to come. Please be in prayer for her.*

We felt it was time to do another fundraiser for the Way family! Tickets should be on sale by the end of this week. Please email me at, or contact me on facebook, or contact any of the other Way To Live committee members you know to get your tickets.

date: November 7th at 5:30pm to as late as you like ; )
place: Hudson's Landing Pub in Marpole(vancouver)
cost: $15.00 per ticket
dinner: available 6pm to 9pm. Includes veggie, beef, or chicken burger; fries or salad; and either a house wine, on-tap draft beer, or a hi-ball.
extras: we will be doing a 50/50 draw, and possibly a raffle.

We hope to have an excellent turn-out like or first event!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Waiting For Friday

I have exciting news: Dr.Liver* is good looking just like I suspected!
But back to reality...

Michelle had her appointment with Toronto today, and her facebook status pretty much sums it up:
"Michelle is knowing nothing yet. Still in TO and find out the verdict on Friday. Then meet with BC transplant on Monday. Bing Bang Boom. We'll see!!!!!!!"

She met with Dr.Liver today, had major blood work done, and will head home tomorrow and wait for Toronto's decision on friday. This is all great timing, as she can go to her BC meeting armed with info from Toronto. She may have options, what a blessing!

Michelle and Jarvie described the Toronto team as very competent and confident, which is so awesome!

Here's to praying for great news on friday, whatever that may turn out to be.


*name changed for anonymity : )

Monday, September 14, 2009

In the T dot (did I just say that?)

Michelle landed in Toronto yesterday! Who knew that the Toronto Film Festival would make flight planning and hotel booking such a challenge? Yesterday was the closest flight booking they could get for her Tuesday appointment! I told her to make the best of it and have a mini vay-cay ; )

Tomorrow is the big appointment. Who knows what will come of it. If they offer to start at square one with an assessment, then Michelle's odds are likely better here in BC. It took almost a year to get on the BC list, who could do that all over again AND be so far from home.

Please pray that no matter what the doctors say, that something good comes out of this trip.

Thank you all : )

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Heart Is Racing...

Toronto has accepted Michelle's referral!!!

She has an appointment Sept 15 in Toronto to meet with the team. They will assess her in person and let her know what their opinion is. It is very possible that they will decide to transplant her sooner than BC could. This is absolutely amazing news! We are all so excited around here! Hope was never lost, but we've been given a much needed boost : )

If Michelle is taken under the wings of the Toronto team, there will be a lot to work out. Temporary living arrangements(up to many months!), who will stay in Toronto with Michelle for support, visits with her husband... Nanny has agreed to relocate east if the stay will be extended, so that Tater tot can be with his mama.

Much more info to come as it trickles in! Please keep Michelle in your prayers!!!
