Thursday, April 2, 2009

There is a point to the bird story!

Today I fought a crow for a tire pump. The little buggar swooped into my stroller basket, and snatched it. Now anyone who has a child knows you can't leave yours at one end of the park while you ambush a thieving bird at the other end. So with my child under my arm I ran like a crazy woman to rescue what was mine. Why did I care so much? Because my husband had already lectured me on losing it, and would never believe me if I told him a crow stole it. Since when did crows ride little bikes anyways?

Michelle has hit a new milestone with her liver disease. Do we still call it a milestone if it's not positive??? We've all had the itchies. Whether it was chicken pox, eczema, a mosquito bite, etc. Well Michelle has a new symptom called pruritis. This can cause intense itchiness, and she has been told that some patients even feel like their internal organs are itching. Unfortunately because most meds are processed through the liver, it can be tricky to find something to manage this issue. At this point she is doing oatmeal baths to try and find some relief, and hopefully her specialist will have some more effective suggestions when she talks to him next. Her pain also remains uncontrolled due to the medications having adverse effects on her poor body. So although she has had more energy the last few days, Michelle continues to struggle with the wrath of a failing liver.

So while I tred through my day, feeling like life gives me too many hurdles(even the birds are after me), I pause and remember to be thankful. Michelle is a true inspiration.

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