Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Miss M. looked good when Jarvie saw her last night. Cracking jokes, watching, tv. They were trying to get her pain under control when Jarvie Left. Apparently the donor can have more pain issues that the recipient. After all, Michelle was dealing with pain for years, Miss M. went into surgery healthy with no pain. She said she felt like she was hit by a bus!

Michelle was alert when Jarvie got to see her last night. She was struggling with the ventilator. The ventilator was removed this morning, earlier than usual. Apparently Michelle breathed on her own during much of the surgery. That's the Michelle we all know!!!

Michelle is still in the ICU. At this time she needs as much rest as possible. The family has requested no visits or phone calls at this time. They will let us know when she has moved to the transplant floor and is up for socializing. Thanks!



  1. Thank you for all your up-dates over the past two days. Michelle is an amazing and brave person.

    Sending her my best thoughts for a strong recovery.

  2. Okay, I know Meghan will be much too sore to hug, but maybe you can just give her nose a poke for me. Sooooooo relieved by all of these updates. God Bless.

  3. Keep waiting here with baited breath...I am so happy...tears come to my eyes...Meghan - you are an amazing and wonderful woman and I can't wait to give you a hug as well...Michelle I dreamt I was with you last night massaging your body...I LOVE YOU!...please give them all our love and let us know when we can send cards/flowers to their rooms...much love, Jenny

  4. Thanks for keeping the updates current. I'm so glad everything went smooth for both 'M's'. I don't know either of them but wish both a speedy recovery and no whammies!!

    Meghan, you've done a wonderful thing.
